Sunday, August 29, 2010 0 comments

Call phones from GMAIL

A lot of rumors have been going around about Google voice calls, but now we know it’s true! Google has just made it official today and they are working on it right now. Google’s demoed the “Call from Gmail” service for us in San Francisco this morning, and it’s looking like it’s not free, but fairly cheap, it’ll cost around $0.02 per minute. If you live in the US or Canada and are making calls to someone in the US or Canada, you won’t have to pay a fee because it’ll be free. Incoming calls pop up as a chat window in Gmail (and ring your Google Voice-equipped phones simultaneously).

To send an outgoing call you have to press the “call phone” button in the corner then type in the number. User’s can see the number and send them to voice mail with one tap on the screen. It’s a very simple calling system and easy to use and understand. You’ll be able to make calls to US and Canadian landlines completely free of charge, buying prepaid credits using Google Checkout for international landline calling at $0.02 a minute and up to $0.19 for calls to international mobile devices.

Google will sell its own credits for the program (via Google Checkout), which should be available in a few weeks, but the Voice in Gmail service goes live today in the US and will begin rolling out to users immediately.

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